Dr Merran Dyer
Dr Dyer is a General Practitioner with 30 years of experience. She trained at Monash University and worked in several General Practices on the North West Coast prior to establishing her own Sheffield-based practice in 2002. She has a client-centred approach based on careful diagnosis and personalised health management.
Welcome to new patients
New patients are welcome to make contact with the practice.
Please read this information, and if you are still interested in an appointment, return the response slip by email, fax, or post, along with a short letter outlining your health concerns.
It is only after we have received your response slip that your name will be placed on our waiting list. We will send you a confirmatory response via email when we have received your letter and placed your name on our waiting list.
A referral is not required, but if you have been recommended to attend this clinic by a health practitioner, a written referral would be appreciated.

Current Patients
Information for existing patients
Book an appointment
Use our online booking service to find an appointment or to fill a gap created by a cancellation. This service uses our current patient database and is only available to patients who are registered with the practice.
If appointments are not showing, please email or phone the practice, as the internet service does not always indicate availability.

Make the most of your appointment
Please prepare for your face to face or telehealth appointment.
Please complete and email the attached form to communicate your reasons for the appointment and ensure information is at hand to assess your needs.
Information on how to attend a telehealth appointment is provided here.
Resources and Information
Download information about tests, articles and resources on health and wellbeing.